Summer Fellows Program FAQs
Stanford Summer Fellows Program (SSFP) is a VPUE program that provides a summer academic experience to help First-Generation and/or Low-Income (FLI) students get a jump start on their second year at Stanford. This program has two main goals: (1) to support students in making academic progress toward their undergraduate degree at Stanford, and (2) to help students without prior experience gain exposure to mentored research experiences. SSFP students come together on campus for eight weeks during the Summer Quarter between their first and second year at Stanford to engage in these academic opportunities in a community-based setting.
2024-25 Frequently Asked Questions
- Eligibility and Selection
- Class Enrollment
- Research Placement
- Program Commitment and Other Activities
- Housing and Dining
- Financial Support
Eligibility and Selection
Who is eligible for the program?
Undergraduate frosh and first-year transfers who are first-generation and/or low-income and will have completed three quarters at Stanford by Summer Quarter 2024-25 are eligible to apply. Students must be enrolled at the time of application (2024-25 academic year) to be considered.
For additional questions about eligibility, contact the program at
Who would benefit best from participating in this program?
This program is intended for students who would like to set themselves up well to thrive academically in their second year at Stanford. Students who are interested both in taking a summer course to make progress toward their undergraduate degree and in being introduced to and learning about research for the first time via a part-time mentored research experience are encouraged to apply.
SSFP is not intended for students with significant research experience (before coming to or while enrolled at Stanford), for students who are looking for a placement with a specific research project, or for students interested in a full-time summer research experience.
What if I am a first-generation college student, but not low-income, or vice versa?
The program prioritizes first generation college students with very low parental financial contributions.
Do I need to share my financial aid status and information?
You must agree to allow the Financial Aid Office to share your high level information when you apply for the program. However, the Financial Aid Office will provide only broad information about applicant eligibility, without disclosing individual financial details.
How does participating in this program affect my financial aid?
As a summer program, your financial aid eligibility during the academic year will not be affected. Participation in this program will not count as a quarter of enrollment for financial aid eligibility.
Class Enrollment
How does class enrollment work?
Students will be enrolled in a 4-unit class that fulfills the 2nd year Writing and Rhetoric Requirement (PWR2 or OralComm). If you have already completed the WR 2 Requirement or if you have a specific reason to request a different course that will fulfill a major and/or graduation requirement or that will help you explore an academic interest, you will have the opportunity to discuss your situation with an Academic Advisor and request approval for an exeception to enroll in a non-writing course (3-5 units). Tuition for the summer course will be paid by SSFP.
Can I enroll in more than one class?
No. Students can only enroll in one summer course, as approved by SSFP.
Research Placement
How does the research placement work?
After students are selected to participate in SSFP, the program will match students with a research mentor based on their areas of interest. Before the placement begins, students and research mentors will discuss and finalize their summer schedule. Students are expected to spend 20-25 hours per week at their part-time research placement on campus during the 8-week summer quarter.
Is the research component considered employment?
No, this is a mentored experiential learning opportunity that focuses on your education rather than work that the organization would otherwise pay someone to complete.
Program Commitment and Other Activities
What are the main elements of the program?
Students engage in four key components over the 8-week Summer Quarter:
- A Stanford Summer Course (course that fulfills WR 2 or is pre-approved by SSFP)
- A Part-Time 8-Week Research Experience
- Academic Advising
- SSFP Workshops and Community Activities
From June 16-20, students will move from their spring housing to their summer housing and engage in orientation sessions to prepare for the start of Summer Quarter. Summer Quarter will run for eight weeks from June 23-August 16.
Do I have to participate in all elements of the program?
Yes - participation in all elements is required. During the summer, this will be a full-time experience. As such, we expect all participants to be fully committed to the program and to participate in their classwork, research, and programming activities.
May I also work another job, participate in a club, travel, etc. during the program?
While there are some programs at Stanford that allow for part-time participation, the Stanford Summer Fellows Program is designed for students who can commit to all of the elements and will not have any competing commitments. We expect all participants to be fully committed to the program and to participate in all summer activities, which we anticipate will consume 40-45 hours per week. Much of your schedule may not be flexible. Before submitting your application, student-athletes that have applied to receive summer aid through DAPER and/or have athletically-related summer commitments are encouraged to consult with Meredith Basil.
Can I participate remotely in some or all of the activities?
The summer experince is an in-person residential program, meant to expose students to an array of experiences in one summer, as well as to create a community of peers who will live and learn together. While some of the research experiences may be hybrid, we expect that all will have an in-person component and that none will be fully virtual. Moreover, students will be expected to engage in residentially-based programming that may take place in the evenings and/or on weekends. To be part of this program, students must participate in all elements, and be in-person, on campus.
Can I participate in Sophomore College or an Overseas Seminar in addition to SSFP?
SSFP participants will need to be present on campus and move from their spring to summer housing between June 16 - 20. Summer Quarter will take place June 23 - August 16. Students can participate in any programs that do not occur during this timeframe.
Housing and Dining
Do program participants live together?
Yes, Stanford Summer Fellows will live together as a community in one of the residences designated for Stanford Summer Session. On-campus summer housing and dining costs for the 8-week session will be paid for by SSFP. This summer housing contract automatically includes the spring-to-summer interim period.
If you will need to live in a different campus residence due to your OAE-approved housing accommodation or eligibility to live in Grad Housing (family, couples, 25+ years), we will provide you with card-key access to the SSFP residence for the summer so that you can attend programs and events.
Can I choose to live off campus?
No, the Stanford Summer Fellows Program is a residential program. As such, all participants are required to live on campus, as described above. If you have questions about the residential requirement, please contact the program staff.
What if I need housing on campus after SSFP ends (between the end of SSFP and the beginning of Fall Quarter)?
Spring-to-Summer Interim Housing + 8-Week Summer Housing Contract: SSFP covers the cost of the 8-week summer housing contract, which automatically includes spring-to-summer interim housing. All partcipants will have continuous housing and dining from the end of Spring Quarter through the 8-week Summer Quarter. Students are expected to move out of campus housing on August 17 at the conclusion of Summer Quarter and SSFP.
10-Week Summer Housing Contract: While we encourage a break and time away from campus before the next academic year begins, we understand that some students may need to continue living on campus. If you will have a specific need to stay on campus after SSFP concludes, please talk with program staff at the beginning of Spring Quarter for approval to sign up for the 10-week summer housing contract. If you are approved to sign up for the 10-week contract, you will be responsible for paying for the additional two weeks of housing and dining after SSFP concludes.
Summer-to-Autumn Interim Housing: Summer-to-autumn interim housing covers the period of time after the end of the 10-week summer housing contract to the beginning of the autumn housing contract. It is only available to students with a 10-week summer housing contract. If you are staying on campus and will need housing during this interim period, please talk with program staff at the beginning of Spring Quarter for approval to sign up for the 10-week summer housing contract as well as to sign up for summer-to-autumn interim housing. If you are approved, please note that you will be responsible for paying for the additional two weeks of housing and dining after SSFP concludes as well as the full period of the summer-to-autum interim contract.
Financial Support
SSFP Financial Support
SSFP is a fully-funded program which means SSFP will pay summer tuition, housing, and dining for the 8-week Summer Quarter. In addition SSFP provides each student participant a $3000 stipend.
Is the financial support taxable?
Stanford does not provide advice on taxes. However, financial support beyond tuition and qualified educational expenses (e.g. required books and supplies) is taxable. Refer to IRS Publication 970. Stanford will include this support in a Form 1098T, which is provided to you annually.